Information about temporary rule of acceptance of applications for state registration of medicines by national procedure

Dear colleagues, We would like to inform you that according to the Order of the Minister of Health of the...

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Notification of a technical problem to

Dear Colleagues We would like to inform you that on 19.08.2024  from 16:00 untill 20.08.2024 14:50 due to technical problems, it was...

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PLAN of inspections in compliance with the guideline of Good Manufacturing Practice of Eurasian Economic Union rules

Please, be informed that the plan of schedule of inspections of GMP compliance for the year of 2024 has been...

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Information about changes in the activities of “Center of Drug and Medical Technology Expertise” SNPO

Dear Colleagues We would like to inform you that the “Center of Drug and Medical Technology Expertise” SNPO has started its...

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List of documents required for determining the regulatory status of borderline products

To get a conclusion about the type of products (medicines, food supplements, hygiene products or medical products, etc.) it is...

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Information about medicines registration

Dear Colleagues. According to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Armenia N4639-A of October 04, 2022 ...

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Order on approval of the price list of paid services provided by the Scientific Center of Drug and Medical Technologies Expertise N 029-A-22 of February 14, 2022 (index.php/en/orders/6951-order-on-approval-of-the-price-list-of-paid-services-provided-by-the-scientific-center-of-drug-and-medical-technologies-expertise-n-029-a-22-of-february-14-2022)

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