Actemra (tocilizumab)
Important safety update of prescribing information for xeloda® (capecitabine)
Information on Actemra
Eligard (leuprorelin acetate) - Medication errors associated with leakage due to overtightening of the safety needle
CELLCEPT (mycophenolate mofetil): risk of teratogenicity guide
Safety notice on medical device «Prismaflex»
Herceptin (trastuzumab). Importance of cardiac monitoring to reduce the frequency and severity of left ventricular dysfunction and congestive heart failure during trastuzumab therapy
Mirabegron (Betmiga) - new recommendations about the risk of increase in blood pressure
Important safety update of prescribing information for Xeloda® (capecitabine)
Bioparox (fusafungine) aerosol will no longer be available on the market